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How does home monitoring work in Columbia?

December 19, 2022
Smartphone access to a home security system.

You’ve done your research and arrived at the conclusion that home security systems will boost the safety of your family and home. You even like the thought of a smart home to add convenience and energy efficiency to your day. But are you still debating the necessity of home monitoring?

Take a little time to see how home monitoring works in [[targelocation]] and why this additional line of defense is well worth the cost.

Learn how Columbia home monitoring works

When you opt for 24/7 home monitoring from leading authorities such as Vivint, you are connected to trained home security experts at all times. Even though they are always just seconds away when something happens, that isn’t suggesting they are overly invasive. You won’t see them constantly watching your house or reviewing your camera recordings. Rather, they go into action the instant an emergency strikes. Here’s how:

  • Anytime one of your smart devices is tripped -- whether it’s a window sensor or smoke detector -- your Vivint Smart Hub™ is automatically notified.

  • Your Vivint Smart Hub then dispatches the notification automatically to your monitoring professionals.

  • A Vivint monitoring agent will then reach out to you to verify the emergency and inquire about your safety.

  • If the monitoring agent is not able to speak with you, they will instantly notify emergency services.

  • Your team is there to guide you through the crisis and will act as the primary contact with emergency personnel in the event you are not at home.

Home monitoring is the equivalent of having your own security agents tied directly to your sensors and alarms. This is more than just a sense of peace as you have real-life professionals to assist you during your time of need.


Protecting your home, even when you’re away

Having round-the-clock assistance poised and ready in the event of an emergency is nice when you’re home as you’ll be busy making certain loved ones are away from harm. It’s even more critical when a crisis occurs when you’re not there. Consider your flood alarm beeping or a glass break sensor setting your alarm off when you’re on vacation. What will occur when no one is there to notice the alert of the high-volume siren? By incorporating 24-hour monitoring, your home is always protected, no matter your location.

Your Vivint Smart Hub is essential in Columbia home monitoring

You may consider your Vivint Smart Hub as the nucleus of your property’s security. All signals from components are directed through this important, networked interface. In addition to being your direct link to monitoring experts, the smart hub offers these additional benefits:

  • Emergency button to automatically contact your smart home monitoring agents
  • 2-way audio capability allowing you to speak directly to your monitoring team
  • You can ask for help with any type of concern, including medical problems

If you’re not able to locate your cell phone when an emergency occurs, you may still speak with your monitoring agents right through your Vivint Smart Hub.

Request home monitoring with your comprehensive Columbia security system

Leave it to the specialists at Vivint and get a fully integrated Columbia smart home with the 24-7 monitoring, smoke and CO detectors, and security sensors you should have. We know the value of monitoring which is the reason why it’s automatically included in our available packages. If you want to enhance your property’s defense, call (803) 921-0946 or fill out the form below to begin.